
How I work


I blend the science of neuroplasticity and Integrative Body Psychotherapy, (a powerful somatic therapeutic approach that uses breath work), with strategies from Gestalt Therapy, Inner Child Work, Spiritual Psychology, and traditional therapies. Every experience has physical, mental, emotional, and metaphysical aspects that manifest internally within the body, and externally in relationship to others. I work with all of these aspects for integration and healing.




It is the ability of the brain to change. I teach clients how to reorganize synaptic connections, and then they learn how to respond rather than react. The process of rewiring your brain by forming new neural pathways is neuroplasticity in action. If you have ever changed a bad habit or thought about something differently you have carved a new pathway in your brain and experienced neuroplasticity firsthand. With repeated and directed attention towards your desired change you can rewire your brain.

Integrative Body Psychotherapy

IBP is a psychotherapy that perceives body, mind, and spirit as integrated parts of a whole person. Using IBP tools and energetic breath work, clients learn to identify and shift themselves out of old habitual patterns and behaviors born out of a need for coping strategies. Unfortunately, these coping strategies can create a "false self" and ultimately keep the people we want to be closest to at a distance. Through the work we do in therapy, clients are able to move through these patterns and get to integrated states of well-being and authenticity; they become much more relational and capable of intimacy. Clients get tools to sustain a profound body mind state of being known as CORE SELF.

Gestalt Therapy

A therapy that places an emphasis on the here and now. It is primarily concerned with the what is being felt or thought in the present moment. The objective of the therapy is to enable the client to become more fully and creatively alive. Clients free themselves from blocks and unfinished business primarily through empty chair work. The result of that work contributes to the client’s overall goals of achieving satisfaction, fulfillment, and growth.

Breath Work

Breathing is used to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a therapeutic tool that results in clients experiencing new ways of being. Oxygen is the spirit of life. It creates energetic chi. When we use breath properly, to charge our body and to open ourselves to our truths, we get to a heightened state of aliveness, presence, and connection. When a client achieves somatic constancy, a consistent state of feeling good in the body, it is the foundation for all transformation.

Inner child work

Working with your inner child generates self-love and heals old wounds. Responses to difficult childhood experiences manifest as unconscious habitual patterns of thought and behavior that get locked in the body. These thoughts and behaviors get misidentified as authentic self and people feel stuck believing "I am what I am." They are repetitive loops that interrupt well-being. Working with the inner child is applying the best love (our own) to the place inside that hurts. 


Does this fit your needs?

Some of the typical concerns I work with include anxiety, depression, marital conflict, sexual issues, obsessive compulsive disorder, health related challenges, addiction, infertility, early childhood developmental concerns, parenting, and adoption related issues.